The 'Friends of Marcia Powell' are autonomous groups and individuals engaging in prisoner outreach, informal advocacy, and organized protest and direct actions in a sustained campaign to: promote prisoner rights and welfare in America; engage the Arizona public in a creative and thoughtful critique of our system of "justice;” deconstruct the prison industrial complex; and dismantle this racist, classist patriarchy...

Retiring "Free Marcia Powell"

As of December 2, 2010 (with occasional exceptions) I'm retiring this blog to direct more of my time and energy into prisoner rights and my other blogs; I just can't do anyone justice when spread so thin. I'll keep the site open so folks can search the archives and use the links, but won't be updating it with new posts. If you're looking for the latest, try Arizona Prison Watch. Most of the pieces posted here were cross-posted to one or both of those sites already.

Thanks for visiting. Peace out - Peg.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Free Lynne Stewart!

The Friends of Marcia Powell heard from Lynne Stewart today, in response to a postcard we sent her from the First Amendment / Anti-Arpaio Rally at the Cronkite School of Broadcasting a month or so ago.

As an attorney Lynne represented many political prisoners from our great liberation movements pro bono, in many cases, over the past few decades. That's the real reason why the federal government wants to kill her, regardless of what party is in power. Hit
her site to see why this beautiful, courageous woman is fighting cancer and the Justice Department from behind bars now herself.

If you want to write to a political prisoner and have already done your project (mail your art to the White House and DOJ the week of April 24), drop a note of support to Lynne at:

Lynne Stewart (53504-054)

150 Park Row

New York, New York 10007

You can also do some artwork similar to the campaign for Mumia ( or steal mine and make postcards out of it - I just messed with the color from and ordinary chalked sidewalk). We'll hit the White House, Justice Department, US Congress members, the Washington Post, and everyone else we can think of with "Free Lynne Stewart". She's the one of all the political prisoners who they themselves are probably rooting for the most right now - like Mumia, her life is in danger.

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