The 'Friends of Marcia Powell' are autonomous groups and individuals engaging in prisoner outreach, informal advocacy, and organized protest and direct actions in a sustained campaign to: promote prisoner rights and welfare in America; engage the Arizona public in a creative and thoughtful critique of our system of "justice;” deconstruct the prison industrial complex; and dismantle this racist, classist patriarchy...

Retiring "Free Marcia Powell"

As of December 2, 2010 (with occasional exceptions) I'm retiring this blog to direct more of my time and energy into prisoner rights and my other blogs; I just can't do anyone justice when spread so thin. I'll keep the site open so folks can search the archives and use the links, but won't be updating it with new posts. If you're looking for the latest, try Arizona Prison Watch. Most of the pieces posted here were cross-posted to one or both of those sites already.

Thanks for visiting. Peace out - Peg.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pei Wei: Workers of the World, Unite!

Friends and Supporters of the IWW,
(Español a continuación)

For those that haven't heard, the Phoenix IWW has been supporting the 12 Pei Wei restaurant workers who were fired for skipping a day's work to participate in the historic May 29th Demonstration Against Hate in opposition to SB 1070. Because Pei Wei has rarely terminated employees for 'no call, no shows', the firing of these 12 long time employees carries sickening political overtones.

This has been a very exciting campaign and the workers involved have been immensely inspiring. On June 16th, a delegation of workers and supporters visited the PF Chang corporate fortress in North Scottsdale in order to speak to a company representative. In response to these workers' request to talk, PF Chang corporate reps said little more than "Get off our property before we call the cops." This affront speaks volumes on PF Chang - Pei Wei's fundamental disrespect for the workers that make the profits for their company.

This Friday, June 25th at 6pm

we will be stepping up the pressure on Pei Wei and PF Chang's (their parent company) by picketing at several Pei Wei restaurants around the city simultaneously.

We are organizing demonstrations at at least three restaurants (7th Ave. & McDowell, 44th St. & Indian School, Guadalupe & McClintock) and possibly also at the Chandler Pei Wei (54th St. & Ray Rd.) which is the scene of the original crime against these brave workers.

Please join us Friday night at one of these locations. Check out the Phoenix IWW facebook page and Boycott Pei Wei/PF Chang's facebook for more details and updates.

We will be coordinating picketers for maximum impact so please let us know if you are coming and which restaurant is nearest you. Text call, and forward this message on to friends so we can demonstrate to PF Chang's that we will not let them punish these workers for exercising their right to participate in the against SB 1070 and a fight for their survival.

Thanks, Solidarity, and see you Friday!

Phoenix Industrial Workers of the World union

Compañeros y compañeras de la IWW,

Para aquellos que no han oído hablar, la IWW Phoenix ha estado apoyando a los 12 trabajadores de restaurantes Pei Wei que fueron despedidos por faltar un día de trabajo para participar en el histórico 29 de mayo de Demostración Contra el Odio en contra de la SB 1070. Debido a Pei Wei rara vez ha terminado empleados para 'no llame, no se presenta' el despido de estos 12 empleados lleva repugnante connotaciones políticas.

Esto ha sido una campaña muy emocionante y los trabajadores en cuestión han sido inmensamente inspirador. En el 16 de junio, una delegación de los trabajadores y simpatizantes visitaron la PF Chang fortaleza corporativa en el norte de Scottsdale con el fin de hablar con un representante de la compañía. En respuesta a la petición de estos trabajadores para hablar, PF Chang representantes de la empresa, dijo poco más que "bajar de nuestra propiedad antes de llamar a la policía." Esta afrenta dice mucho de PF Chang - Pei Wei la falta de respeto fundamental para los trabajadores que hacen que los beneficios para su empresa.

Este Viernes, 25 de junio a las 6pm

vamos a intensificar la presión sobre Pei Wei y PF Chang's (su empresa matriz) por piquetes en varias Pei Wei restaurantes alrededor de la ciudad al mismo tiempo.

Estamos organizando manifestaciones en al menos tres restaurantes (7th Ave. y McDowell, 44th St. y Indian School, Guadalupe y McClintock) y posiblemente también en el Pei Wei Chandler (54th St. y Ray Rd.) que es el escenario de la crimen original en contra de estos trabajadores valiente.

Únase a nosotros la noche del viernes en uno de esos lugares. Echa un vistazo a las páginas de facebook "Phoenix IWW" y "Boicot Pei Wei/PF Chang's" para obtener más detalles y actualizaciones.

Estaremos coordinando piqueteros para el impacto máximo así que por favor déjenos saber si usted viene y qué restaurante es más cercana a usted. LLame, texto, y la transmitirá el mensaje de este a amigos para que podamos demostrar a PF Chang's que no les permite castigar a estos trabajadores para ejercicio su derecho a participar en la contra SB 1070 y una lucha por su supervivencia.

Gracias, Solidaridad, y vemos el viernes!

Ramal de Phoenix de los Trabajadores Industriales del Mundo

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